If you are looking to build a slick ecommerce website to revolutionise your business, or simply to sell some products on your website, we can help.

The best ecommerce web designs create a fantastic impression immediately and are intuitive to use thereafter. If you get these two things right, you can pretty much guarantee a higher conversion rate.

E-commerce web design is about earning the trust of the user and making it easy for them to get what they want. The average web user is impatient, intolerant and selective – if there is a weakness in the user journey, the chances are that you will end up losing a percentage of would-be customers to your competitors.

Bespoke ecommerce build

For dedicated shopping sites with more complicated requirements, such as shops-within-shops, or other accounting complexities, a bespoke system is often required. Before embarking on projects like this, we sit down with clients and carefully scope out the project. If we then decide that the scope is beyond the capability of off-the-shelf or hosted systems, we suggest a bespoke build. We’re able to call on many years of experience, and can make use of core modules that sit on our rapid application development platform. A great deal of careful work and planning is required to ensure the application is fully tested and suitably resilient prior to release.

Content managed website with add-to-cart buttons

If your products are simple and there aren’t too many of them, you might consider simply adding ‘add to cart’ or ‘buy now’ buttons to product pages that exist within your website. These can then link directly to PayPal or another externally hosted payment system on which users can enter their payment details.

Dedicated ecommerce platform

Where the shop is the primary reason for having a website, we often suggest using Magento, a dedicated open-source ecommerce platform. This takes care of much of the ‘heavy lifting’ and can be themed to provide a look and feel that perfectly matches your brand.
There are many approaches to e-commerce development, and we can work with you in various ways to help you achieve your goals.


If you are looking for a slick ecommerce website to revolutionise your online business, we’d love to hear from you today.